Things That Moving Taught Me

(Lessons about life, love, independence, and the point of exercising. But most importantly, lessons about myself. And why other people can suck it.)

If you follow me on my myriad social media, you might know that I’m going through a huge transitional period in my life and basically everything you know about stuff unrelated to my physical body/mind is different now. (Try to keep up.)

I broke up with my boyfriend, took a leave of absence from school, and moved back in with my mom and step dad. I’ll talk about the details of the breakup and other things in another post, but this one is about the process of moving from one place to another.

If you weren’t already aware, it fucking sucks.

Although I feel like quite the beast because other than my dad carrying the big furniture out of my apartment, ’twas all me (not Alessandro cause he left me in the lurch mad hard) and doing all that by myself made me realize that I can do anything so haters to the left.

Here’s the list of things moving taught me. Enjoy.

  1. 90% of my possessions are just trash or scraps of paper. Also clothing. I have too much of it.
  2. Carrying all those books back and forth is exactly why people don’t read. No one should be this literate.
  3. I have more boxes than actual things to put in said boxes.
  4. I never thought I’d have anything negative to say about consumerism, but here we are.
  5. Where is all the cocaine?
  6. Of all the things I have in common with homeless people (heavy drinking, flannel, boxes,etc.), the ability to pack lightly is not one of them.
  7. Officially jealous of hobos.
  8. There’s no scenario wherein I don’t fall down the stairs again at the end of this. (SIDE NOTE: I did fall many times but luckily not down the stairs.)
  9. Initially, I wrote this list on a physical piece of paper because I CAN’T LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES.
  10. So. Much. Paper.
  11. I spent more time staring at everything than actually packing.
  12. Seeing my life laid before me in boxes and trash bags made me wonder why no concerned citizen hasn’t intervened on behalf of this poor mentally challenged young woman. I really shouldn’t even be allowed to drive.
  13. Adults don’t need this many posters.
  14. Nor this many American flags unless they operate a military sign-up post.
  15. I need to stop getting drunk and buying crap online.
  16. Going through all this reminded me of the time I hid a $1,200 check somewhere and the apartment became a “National Treasure” movie. (I still haven’t found that check.)
  17. My neighbors stole all my trash cans as one last “fuck you” before I moved, so I waited until the last day and made my own Trash Mountain on the sidewalk. It was glorious and evidence as to why you shouldn’t fuck with me.

    Not exactly like my Trash Mountain, but close enough.
  18. My back is going to hurt forever.
  19. I totally don’t need a man. (Except for my dad because even with all this hardcore girl-power flowing through my veins, I still can’t lift heavy furniture.)
  20. This is the first time in a long time I feel like I’m moving my life in the right direction, so despite everything that’s been going on, I’m really truly happy.

By the way, I’m dyeing my hair blonde next week so strap in for that mess. Pictures and more to come later. Bye now :)

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White Girls Be Like

Hey there, I'm Alanna. I can't give you my last name for legal reasons, but you probably won't pronounce it right anyway. This is a blog about various occurrences in my life and also some of my thoughts and feelings about things, otherwise known as "what white girls be like". It's true. We be like... "Cats, Lana del Rey, Coors Light, and Twitter". If you disagree, please comment and tell me to shut up. Otherwise, enjoy! :)

9 thoughts on “Things That Moving Taught Me”

  1. Wow girl! So proud of you! I just had a move too, and I am totally with you. It sucks and 90% of your stuff is garbage. We sold like half of it, are storing 90% of what is left and the stuff we are using is pretty much garbage too. But really, proud of you for getting a fresh start. And good luck on the going blonde thing. Should be super fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks dude!! I appreciate your words, all this support is making me feel all tingly inside haha. But yeah, I think I’m going to have a giant yard sale and get rid of most of my stuff. I could probably make back all the money I spent at college from just selling my clothes lol


    1. Haha I know right? I made that mistake last time so this time I packed all the books in smaller boxes which seems like a better idea but you still have to carry a million heavy boxes up and down stairs so honestly I don’t think either way is better but I definitely got the best workout of my life haha. And thanks girl, your decision to move across the country and be a badass independent lady was definitely an inspiration and part of the reason I decided to do this. Love you lady!! <3

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